The Manganni Jungle is an oasis for souls seeking growth, fun, or repair. The tribe trains together through sports, fitness, and fun challenges.
We believe in giving our community the health they deserve through the most fundamental path known to humans, mother nature.

The Manganni Tribe is composed of all individuals who have invested their sweat and blood in the jungle becoming beasts and releasing savage.
Once Manganni, Always Manganni.

Survival is key. We pray the bad day never comes, but we prepare so when it does, we're ready. In the jungle, we face our fears and give our best, we face every obstacle as a life challenge and conquer our minds.

Release is important for every human being. We build stress in our daily lives and need a way to release that energy and re-energize.
Your Savage is the raw primitive energy that comes directly from your soul, unfiltered, unprocessed; only channeled. The type of energy that helps a mother save her child from underneath a school bus. In the Manganni jungle, we learn to harness that energy for our protection.
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